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We had a fantastic residential trip to Dukes Barn in Derbyshire a few months ago. Everyone enjoyed abseiling, rock climbing, archery, canoeing and stream scrambling.

Lots of photos on our Facebook page, click here to view more

Dukes Barn 2023

Here's some of the things we have got up to during club since September!

Dukes Barn 2022

Phab Club

Some photo's of activities since we re-opened in September,
Christingles, an Internet Safety talk with PCSO Daniel, Children in Need and Anti-Bullying Week

Zoom Youth Club

Zoom Sessions throughout Covid,

We still had a lot of fun!!

Queens Jubilee Party

Arts & Craft Day


Registered Charity Number - 1084694

Call us:

0208 572 8842

Find us: 

Hounslow Youth Centre, 

Kingsley Road,

Hounslow, TW3 1QA

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